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How to find the right trainer.

There are so many wonderful trainers, coaches, instructors and help available for all riders! but how can you choose the right program or trainer for you?

When choosing a trainer first decide what type of student you want to be.

Just as we hold ourselves to the same standards as the horses, it’s good to hold yourself accountable to the type of student you want to be. What goals do you have? What kind of learner are you? Do you know? What type of horse are you working with relative to your own athletics?

For example, if you are a young rider with athletic ability, on an experienced horse. You have the opportunity to find a trainer that doesn’t necessarily ride anymore since you are physically capable. They will have a lot of experience to offer you if you are a good listener. If you are an amateur adult with high goals, less time and medium athletics, you may want to choose a trainer whom can help you ride the horse more. Ultimately, it’s up to you to know yourself first. If you need help learning about yourself, choose a trainer with psychology training to educate you along as well.

Here is a small list of thinges to start with:

1) decide your goals- big or small communicate them

2) be realistic- tell the truth about how you ride well or not. 3) learning- if you know your learning style, tell your coach if not, ask how to find out. 4) get started- if in doubt, start! Pick any trainer and go from there. Don’t go without lessons, that’s likely your pride and it won’t help you no matter your situation or goals.

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