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Cavolettis and cardio

Its winter time again! and everyone one is seemingly trapped in the indoor.

Weather permitting, we can get out for a hack or a trot set but galloping is almost always off the table. If you have 12 inches of fluffy snow without ice under it sure but here on the east coast those conditions are hard to come by.

As an excellent alternative we can get some amazing top line cardio that simulates the gallop With cavolettis!

Once or twice a week, set up a series of cavolettis in your riding space. Follow these rules:

1) at least one exercise in a straight line

2) at least one exercise on a curved line

3) do the exercises in walk, trot and canter, (sitting and posting for advanced)

4) one exercise of bounces and one of variable distance

5) if the horse twists trying to walk over the cavoletti, drop the height down until they are strong enough.

Enjoy! Set up and tag us on social!

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